IELTS Speaking Mock Exam | Internet and Outdoor Activities | Band 9.0

IELTS Speaking Mock Exam | Internet and Outdoor Activities | Band 9.0


Welcome to another helpful article aimed at boosting your IELTS speaking performance! This engaging mock exam discussion is centered around two fascinating aspects of modern life - the Internet and Outdoor Activities. As our candidate eloquently explores these realms, you will encounter words and phrases concerning digital technology, popular websites, online habits, as well as different recreational pursuits, challenging sports, and nature-loving activities.

This context serves as an excellent basis to learn how to articulate your thoughts on varied topics and speak engagingly with fluency. Watch, learn, and let's conquer the IELTS Speaking Exam together!

Exam Script

Examiner: Do you like outdoor activities?
Student: Yeah, absolutely! My love for outdoor activities stemmed from home really. Back in South Korea, my husband and I would frequently go hiking or ice-skating. Now that I'm here in London, I've taken up some local outdoor games as well. Gives me a chance to soak up the fresh air, you know.

Examiner: What outdoor sports do you like?
Student: Well, ice skating has always been my favourite. I also love mountain climbing; the views that greet you when you've reached the summit are just breathtaking. Back in Seoul, snowboarding was pretty popular too and now I am looking forward to trying out soccer, seems to be a hit here in London.

Examiner: How much time do you spend outdoors every week?
Student: I'd say I spend quite a bit of time outdoors. Between trips to the park with the kids, ice skating sessions, and piano classes at the community centre, I'm always out and about in my free time. Having said that, I try not to miss catching up on my favourite dramas and TV shows.

Examiner: What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?
Student: Back in South Korea, outdoor activities vary by season. During winter, people love skiing and snowboarding while in other seasons, hiking is very popular. As a matter of fact, almost every Korean I know loves hiking!

Examiner: How often do you use the Internet?
Student: As a primary school teacher, I use the Internet almost daily. It helps me with my research for lesson plans and also to keep track of new educational tools. Plus, I can't do without Google!

Examiner: Do you think you use the Internet too much?
Student: I wouldn't say 'too much', but I do depend on it heavily. Between research for work, keeping in touch with family back in Korea, and indulging in my love for music bands like BTS and Coldplay, the internet is a part of my life. But I strive to maintain a balance, especially when it comes down to encouraging my kids towards outdoor activities.

Examiner: What are your favourite websites?
Student: I must admit, I do spend quite a bit of time on It's fantastic for honing my language skills and its resources have been a great help. And, of course, Google for when I need quick information and YouTube for music and drama.

Examiner: What are the positive and negative things about the Internet?
Student: The internet can be a wonderful tool, especially when it comes to bridging distances and educating oneself. That being said, it isn't without its drawbacks. False information and privacy breaches are some concerns. As you can see, it's really quite a double-edged sword.


  • Soak up (Phrasal verb): to absorb or enjoy something thoroughly.
  • Stem from (Idiom): to have something as a source or cause.
  • Double-edged sword (Idiom): something that can have both favorable and unfavorable consequences.
  • Breathtaking (Adjective): astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away.
  • Indulge (Verb): allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
  • Maintain (Verb): cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue.
  • Honing (Verb): refine or perfect (something) over a period of time.


  • Present Perfect Tense: "My love for outdoor activities stemmed from home really."
  • Present Simple Tense: "As a primary school teacher, I use the Internet almost daily."
  • Future Simple Tense: "Now I am looking forward to trying out soccer, seems to be a hit here in London."