Achieving Band 9: IELTS Mock Speaking Exam | Art & Photography

Achieving Band 9: IELTS Mock Speaking Exam | Art & Photography


Welcome to our IELTS Speaking Mock Exam focusing on Art & Photography! This video will guide you through a Band 9 dialogue full of rich vocabulary and idioms. Delve into the world of monochromatic works, therapeutic hobbies, and capturing life through the lens. Watch and learn how to weave the beauty of Art and Photography seamlessly into your dialogue to ace your IELTS speaking test. Let's dive in!

Exam Transcript

Examiner: Do you like art?
Student: Oh yes, I absolutely adore art! Art is a big part of life for me. I used to oil paint during my childhood, and later during university, I fell in love with using watercolor. Korean art was a large influence on me, especially the monochromatic works of black brushwork.

Examiner: Do you think art classes are necessary?
Student: Absolutely, without a doubt. Art classes were pivotal in my growth as an artist. You get exposed to different styles and techniques. For me, I was lucky enough to learn the Korean painting tradition directly from masters, which included both monochromatic and colour works.

Examiner: How do you think art classes affect children’s development?
Student: Art classes play a vital role in children's development. They help to foster creativity, improve motor skills, and promote critical thinking. Instructive, isn't it? It becomes a special language for expressing feeling and ideas, which in turn enhances their emotional development. I've observed this in the South Korean classrooms I teach as well.

Examiner: What kind of paintings do people in your country like?
Student: Korean art is quite diverse. The most famous tradition is monochromatic works of black brushwork, often serene landscapes. Then there are colourful professional works encompassing many genre scenes and animals. The beauty of it is the broad range of taste.

Examiner: What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?
Student: Oh, there are countless benefits to painting! It's incredibly therapeutic and calms the mind, kind of like meditative. Moreover, it improves hand-eye coordination and boosts self-esteem. The joy when I complete a painting is indescribable, it's a sense of accomplishment and self-gratification.

Examiner: Do you like to take photographs?
Student: Indeed, I do! I am an avid photographer. I often capture memories of my trips to historical places and nature. It's a way of preserving those fleeting moments. I also love photographing my kids, every moment is so precious.

Examiner: Do you prefer to take photos or have other people take photos?
Student: I thoroughly enjoy taking photos myself because it allows me the freedom to capture exactly what I see and how I see it. I even have a habit of taking selfies and comparing them to previous days. It's fun and I get to control the narrative of what the photo is saying.

Examiner: How often do you take photographs?
Student: Pretty much every day! With my phone always in hand, it's easy to snap pictures of moments that catch my eye or events happening around me. It's my way of documenting life. Plus, it comes in handy for keeping in touch with my family and friends back in South Korea, sharing snapshots of my daily life in the UK.

Examiner: Do you prefer to take pictures of people or scenery?
Student: Hmm, tough one. I enjoy both. Taking pictures of people allows more connection, capturing their essence and emotions. But photographing scenery, especially historic places and nature, allows me to capture the world's stunning beauty. They both have their unique charm.

Examiner: Are there any photos on the walls of your home?
Student: Yes, quite a few actually. I love having these glimpses into my past and memories around me. A notable one is a lovely photo of my family I took in a park. It's right on the living room wall for everyone to see. It just brightens up my day.


  • Monochromatic (Adjective): having or consisting of one color or hue.
  • Therapeutic (Adjective): having healing powers.
  • Avid (Adjective): showing great enthusiasm for or interest in.
  • Serene (Adjective): calm, peaceful, or tranquil.
  • Glimpses (Noun): a very brief, passing look, sight, or view.
  • Pivotal (Adjective): of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.


  • Present Simple tense: "Art is a big part of life for me."
  • Past Simple tense: "I used to oil paint during my childhood, and later during university, I fell in love with using watercolor."
  • Present Perfect tense: "I've observed this in the South Korean classrooms I teach as well."
  • Future Simple tense: "They both have their unique charm."
  • Present Continuous tense: "I am an avid photographer."

Remember, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary range can be your game-changer in IELTS. Watch, learn, and perfect your abilities, one step closer to your desired Band 9!

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